The City’s receipts totaled $16,359,975 the year ended June 30, 2024, a 20 percent decrease from the prior year. The receipts included $4,359,537 in property tax, $945,105 from tax increment financing, $1,142,224 from other taxes, $5,484,930 from charges for service, $2,138,692 from operating grants and contributions, $1,999,990 from capital grants and contributions, $244,528 from unrestricted interest on investments, $1,674 of sale of capital assets, and $43,295 of miscellaneous.
Disbursements for the year ended June 30, 2024, totaled $18,550,723 a 4 percent increase from the prior year, and included $1,622,268 for public works, $633,943 for general government, $2,805,273 for public safety, $1,000 for health and social services, $1,938,110 for culture and recreation, $410,890 for community and economic development, $1,872,278 for debt service and $4,867,132 for capital projects. Also, disbursements for business-type activities totaled $4,399,829.
The decrease in receipts was due to decreased bond proceeds. The increase in disbursements was due to increased capital activity.
A copy of the audit report is available for review in the City Clerk’s Office, in the Office of Auditor of State and on the Auditor of State’s website at .