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President Donald Trump's administration on Wednesday announced a wave of environmental rollbacks targeting Biden-era green policies, including carbon limits on power plants, tailpipe emissions standards and protections for waterways.

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More than a quarter of our planet's natural "geomorphs" -- animals such as beavers and hippos that, collectively, can reshape entire landscapes -- are threatened or have shrinking populations, a new study says.

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As she watched her five-month-old son lying in intensive care, wires and tubes crisscrossing his tiny body, Uyanga cursed her hometown Ulaanbaatar and its chronic pollution.

Amid an uncertain situation surrounding federal funding, representatives from the Iowa Flood Center and Iowa Geological Survey mingled with Iowa lawmakers Tuesday to make their case for increasing state allocations. Students, staff, researchers and leaders from the Iowa Flood Center and Iowa Geological Survey, both housed at the University of Iowa, displayed charts and screens […]

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A drought that has parched fields and prompted water restrictions in Spain since 2021 could be over soon thanks to recent abundant rainfall, national weather agency AEMET said on Tuesday.

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Tens of millions of Pakistanis spent at least four months breathing toxic air pollution 20 times above safe levels, in the worst winter smog season for several years, according to data analysed by AFP.