When taking your recyclables to the recycling center, do not hold your car keys in your hand as you dump items in the bins. Almost dropped mine. Yes, the staff can help retrieve the keys but—just don’t.
The recycling center is kept clean and easy to use. Thank you, City and Volunteers.
Financials. You already know to doublecheck every statement. If you have chosen locally and well, you can go in person with printouts that make no sense and ask to have living staff sit down, take a look with you in person, and make the disparate reports make sense to you or fix their system.
You should remember that you might be at fault as well. Wish I were not a cantankerous old woman when it comes to financials.
For my current financials? The bank’s credit card has determined a date for end of their month—19th, and the bank has chosen the 25th for the end of its month, but calendar month for its statements. And the other two credit cards? One is 11th to 11th. One is calendar month.
Is it any wonder we are occasionally confused?
As a single working mother beginning in 1974, when women could not have credit cards (I know, amazing, right?) I raised two sons on no credit. I was paid once a month so we all went to grocery store and we took no list. We were out of everything so we did not need a list. Those were the times we invented spaghetti soup and other conglomerations.
Why more than one credit card now? When I traveled to China, England, France, Germany, Austria, Scotland and more—sons, who travel the world way more and regularly, said to be sure I had more than one kind and a significant amount of credit in case one was scratched or not accepted and something like emergency care was necessary.
Taxes too. It is time to begin to look at that tax filing. I have a homemade tax form that keeps me up to date and makes matching the documents to the numbers fairly easy. Difficult to know all until we really have the blank forms for 2022 and the documents to accompany the numbers. Even taxes change.
My wish for business in Waverly is a computer care shop. Best of all would be one where a tech comes to my home—yes, remember that was once the way care was provided—but now it seems it is better for the companies if you seek help online and wait, wait, wait.
Yes, I am an old lady. And I remember. And I have kept letters from a lifetime. Just sent the collection to my sister of correspondence with her daughter. Molly was a person of joy and light who shared my love of libraries and storytelling. I just found that collection and know it gives her parents another selection of loving memories of their daughter who died at 43.
I am reminded of the summation a friend gave. For those greatly loved, grieving and celebration will come in equal measure. We continue to grieve losing Molly and to celebrate the joy she brought to us.