Waverly Newspapers has old issues in bound volumes going back to at least 1971. We are taking advantage of this vast historical resource to take a trip down memory lane, recalling what was once newsworthy and seeing how much things have changed over the decades.
50 years ago
Becky Bahlmann was crowned 1974 W-SR Homecoming queen and was featured in a huge photo on the front page of the Oct. 1 issue of the Bremer County Independent that year. Kathy Kramer was selected as first attendant, and Pat McCue was second attendant.
Also in the week’s news, two Waverly doctors’ offices were broken into the previous week, with an attempted break in at a third office, as reported on the front page of this issue.
“A bank bag containing $140 in cash and $246 in checks was taken from the office of Dr. M. O. Brye, chiropractor, 124 Second St. NE. Entry was gained by breaking some glass in a door. Burglars also entered the Carstensen medical clinic, 203 First Ave. NE, and stole $2.50 in cash.â€
The second burglary also involved breaking glass in a door. The two offices were directly across the street from each other.
The attempted break-in was at the B&B Cooperative Oil Co. at 97 W. Bremer. “Burglars attempted to pry open a door but were unsuccessful,†we read.
The crime spree hit Sumner, as well, where a separate article reported that three calculators, two adding machines and a portable radio had been stolen the previous Friday night from Fridley Feed Mille.
“A window was broken to gain entry,†the article states. “The stolen items were valued at $350 to $400.â€
Fifty years ago, Waverly Firemen were preparing for their annual benefit dance, as noted in this issue. The front page showed a photo comparing the current dance poster with one from 1928. The older event was a masquerade ball “with tickets sold to both participants and spectators.â€
The 1974 dance was the department’s 100th annual benefit dance and would be held at the Riviera Ballroom in Janesville.
The Cooking Corner in this issue recommends getting out of a menu rut with fruit salads. A featured recipe was for an apple-cheddar mold. It included unflavored gelatin, apple juice, lemon juice, mayonnaise, prepared horseradish, garlic powder, diced apples, diced cucumbers, grated cheddar cheese and chopped green onions.
The top photo in the Oct. 3, 1974, issue of the Waverly Democrat is of Herb Meyer and Darrell Whitney in the Bremer County Jail. The two were cutting out the steel plates and bars, literally taking the jail apart for use in the new Joint Law Enforcement Center.
This issue also announced that the Wartburg Community Symphony was launching its 22nd year. Individual symphony memberships were $4, a family membership was $6 and a patron membership was $10. Symphony Association president was Bob Andreae of Shell Rock.
Also in this issue, Deputy Sheriff Rick Lampe reported spotting a moose at the Wapsie River bridge on Highway 3.
“Lampe took a lot of kidding until a Dunkerton area man reported a similar sighting and now everyone is wondering how the heck a moose ever got this far south into Iowa,†the article reads.
“Lampe reported seeing the moose just after dusk standing along the shoulder of the highway near the bridge. By the time he got his patrol car stopped and turned around, he saw the big animal ambling back into the river bottom. The deputy described the animal as being taller than the patrol car with a large, distinctive rack.â€
Showing at the Waverly Theatre this week in 1974 was Disney’s “Herbie Rides Again,†in Technicolor.
Fifty years ago, Disco Drug was selling shelled peanuts for $1.23 a pound; double size electric blankets were $16.99 at Big Bear; and a West Bend Butter-matic corn popper was $7.88 at Harrison’s (“Put butter in the top. Turn over to serve.â€).
40 years ago
A home fire in northeast Waverly was the top story in the Oct. 2, 1984, issue of the Bremer County Independent. Waverly firemen responded with hoses, axes and a power saw to control the fire at the home of Delbert Saint.
Cause of the fire was apparently a collapsed pipe from a wood-burning stove.
Also on the front page was the result of Waverly-Shell Rock’s Homecoming queen vote. Taking the honor was Cheryl Calease, escorted by Jeff Ellinger. First attendant was Mary Nelson, escorted by Kurt Huisman, and second attendant was Janelle Jaspers, escorted by John Dose.
The suggested recipe in this issue was for a Big Burger Cake, as listed in a new Betty Crocker cake decorating book. For this, a yellow cake is baked in a round casserole dish and then sliced into three layers. The middle layer is covered in cocoa frosting to represent a hamburger.
The middle layer is then drizzled with strawberry preserves to resemble ketchup. The third layer is placed on top, frosted with peanut butter frosting and topped with toasted sesame seeds.
The Oct. 4, 1984, issue of the Waverly Democrat announced that the fall horse sale would take place the next week.
“The Waverly Midwest Horse Sale, biggest draft horse sale in the country, next week will also be the site of the biggest Draft Horse Pulling contest that will be held this year in the U.S or Canada,†the article opens.
The Championship Draft Horse Pull featured a $5,300 purse and had 38 teams signed up early, with an expected 43-50 teams for the competition.
Also in this issue, we learn that the W-SR High School Orchestra and members of the Concert Choir, Chamber Choir and Freshman Choir would be presenting a free concert in the junior high auditorium.
“A humorous addition to the concert program will be an orchestra rendition of ‘Concerto Gross,’ featuring three kazoo soloists and the percussion section,†we read.
In this issue, we also see that the Waverly Senior Center had opened its new 20-by-30-foot dining room addition and had used the space for its September birthday dinner. Birthday parties were held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
“The addition was funded through a bequest from the estate of the late Lucinda and Linda Eichhorn of Waverly,†the paper explains.
Tripoli Jaycee Women were sponsoring a program called “In Defense of Children,†we learn in this issue. Guest speakers were Noreen and John Gosch, parents of a 13-year-old Des Moines Register carrier who had been kidnapped two years earlier.
In happier news, the royal court from Plainfield’s Homecoming was also recognized in this issue. Queen candidates were Nadine Ihde, Loran Van Raden, Joni Adams and Kristi Benning. Their escorts were Jerry Headington, Travis Moine, Mark Wiltse and Steve Cruse.
This issue also shares a photo of Steve Hubbard, 12, and his 9-pound Coho salmon catch. He hooked the fish on a trip to Lake Michigan with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hubbard of Waverly. Steve fished off a pier and used an alewive for bait.
30 years ago
The front page of the Oct. 4, 1994, issue of the Bremer County Independent announced Waverly-Shell Rock High School’s Homecoming king and queen. Carrie Ford was named Homecoming queen at the James McGrew Junior High Auditorium and Shawn Anfinson was named king.
An additional front-page story indicated that people could register to vote any Saturday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Waverly Wal-Mart store, according to Bremer County Auditor Kathy Thoms.
Inside the paper, we read that Janesville was also heading into Homecoming week at this time 30 years ago. The school’s Homecoming candidates were Tara Ledtje, Brandi Jans and Debbie Smith for queen, and Todd Foelske, Andy Nicholson and Chad Schwartz for king.
This issue contained a page for the Paw Press, sharing articles from Janesville’s journalism class. A story about Homecoming detailed that the year’s theme was “Rockin’ in Bedrock,†referring to the Flintstones and the Stone Age.
Themed dress-up days for the week were as follows: Monday, prep day; Tuesday, prehistoric day; Wednesday, Disney character day; Thursday, Western day; and Friday, spirit day.
We read in this issue that the Zora Rebekah Lodge #189 met in September at the home of Dorothy Leemon.
The report states, “Several members attended the public supper Sept. 21, and then went to Cedar Falls to visit Happy Thought Rebekah Lodge #256 for their Friendship Night. Special guests included Brig. Gen. Dallas Hurlbut, Dept. Com. of Iowa from Cedar Falls; Glen Chase, Warden of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, of Shell Rock; and Lilian Musel of Elberon, Rebekah Assembly of Iowa secretary.â€
In the Oct. 6, 1994, issue of the Waverly Democrat, we see a photo of the Denver class of 1984 at their 10-year reunion. Thirty class members attended the event at the Red Fox Inn in Waverly.
Thirty years ago this week, Faith United Methodist Church of Waverly had its annual fall supper of chicken and biscuit or vegetable soup plus jello or pea salad, homemade pie and milk or coffee for $4. Trinity United Methodist Church in Waverly had its annual turkey supper for $5. On West Bremer Avenue, the lunch buffet at Godfather’s Pizza was $3.69 with a coupon.